By Muhammad Mohsin Shahzad Kahloon Nov.9, 2016
As a Pakistani and citizen of the world, considering the result of the US Presidential Election, I have to say that as much as I admire Hillary as a powerful woman and absolutely despise Trump's Rhetoric but she is responsible for killings of millions of innocent people from countries such as Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq and many others as well as many American young men and women who were forced to fight on foreign soil and impose imperialism on innocent people for her benefits and policies.
Trump might actually be better for Pakistan and the World than Hillary. I mean just look at her terrible track record which includes and not limited to Benghazi, Email Scandal, getting millions from foreign dictators for the Clinton Foundation as well as getting millions of dollars from Bankers for speeches and in donations. She has been a Wall street puppet overlooking the collective benefit of the American public in order to help her rich wall street buddies get more rich.
She has not been loyal to the American Public and that is evident over her compromising her own nation's security and integrity by deleting emails having secured information. She has failed the world by ordering the killing of millions of innocent people around the world during her years as a senator and as secretary of State. She gets donations from dictators from across the world for her foundation and preaches democracy. She's the worst kind of hypocrite.
She is no better than a petty criminal, in fact, she's worse and should be charged and sent to jail. Serves the Democrats right for choosing her at the expense of a gem of a candidate such as #BernieSanders.
Coming to Trump, He has been spewing venom against minorities especially Hispanics and Muslims but consider his victory speech and he talks about bringing all Americans together. During his speech he has said that he wants to be friends with whoever want to be a friend of USA. He has toned down his approach and it looks more presidential. I can't help but think that maybe the rhetoric we heard during his campaign was just political jargon in order to win. I mean just look at what he said in his victory speech and I quote:
"Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division, have to get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people."
"It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me."
"It is a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds, and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will."
"All people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict."
These quotes make me feel positive about Trump as well as the world and maybe he's not as dumb and idiotic as everyone thinks he is.
Maybe, his inward policy of protectionism for the USA will end American imperialism across the world thus creating a favorable image of USA once again in minds of the people from across the world. It might have positive effects after all as if American intervention reduces across the world, the world might be a better and more peaceful place.
I know it sounds too good to be true but may be, just may be it is Trump who will turn out to be the person the world needs to bring peace.
A hopeful citizen of the World.
The writer is the business development manager at FRAG Games, founder of Construckflux and a third world technologist. You can follow him on Twitter – or email him straightforwardly on the off chance that you might want to keep things somewhat more 'private'. Cheers!
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